During the autum and winter selected areas of gorse are cut down, mainly by hand so as to reduce the need for more mechanized methods.
Old denigrated gorse is relatively poor for wildlife and can be invasive if left to grow unchecked resulting in stands reaching a height of over three metres and is highly inflammable with a deep extensive root system.
To use positive management on the gorse stands worthy of retention to enhance their character, composition and age structure with consideration to long-term viability, health and safety.
Remove old leggy gorse and ensure the successful establishment of new growth where considered desirable.
The old cut gorse to be removed off site with minimal soil disturbance to encourage seed germination. (while burning on site will encourage gorse seed germination it also encourages the growth of weeds)
Seeds are usually released in warm conditions falling around the bush but some pods can split open and shoot seeds up to five metres away. Seeds can also be spread by birds and footwear.
New bushes first flower when about 18 months old, mainly in the Spring and Autumn.
Fire breaks to be maintained through large areas of gorse and where gorse grows adjacent to private property.
The present 2024 / 2025 gorse programme can be seen here
Events booked to date for 2025 / 2026
Velo Club
March 9th. / June 29th. / September 14th.
April 19th. / August 3rd. / December 26th. / January 1st. 2026
Guernsey Ultra Marathon
May 18th.